brand 9 品牌 第九卷
发表于 2018-7-9

brand 9
品牌 第九卷

★ 唯一一本始创超过10年的全球性品牌视觉设计年鉴
★ 6000字长文「未来会发生什么?被科技颠覆后的设计和创意」论述科技、设计、创意的多种可能(中/英)
★ 英国最受尊崇的品牌策略与设计师 Michael Johnson 的专访,探讨品牌、设计与技术(中/英)
★ 收录世界10大最权威的设计竞赛2018年部分获奖作品,包括D&AD、ADC、Cannes Lions、TDC等
★ 国际权威编辑团队精选全球最新品牌视觉设计案例,包括平面,数字,包装,空间,创意等领域的佳作超过400件

站在21世纪数字时代的最前沿,构想与探索现代设计的未来,这正是 brand 9 的方向。

'Where old notions of 'normal' were cast aside'(不要用过去的思维解决未来的问题)是 brand 9 着重探讨之议题,通过在欧洲、北美等国家的实地考察后以 6000 字长文「未来会发生什么?被科技颠覆后的设计和创意」,多层次论述了 科技、技术、设计、创意 的多种可能性。而英国最受尊崇的品牌策略与设计师 Michael Johnson 的专访从不同视角探讨 品牌、设计与技术,亦是值得关注的亮点之一。

brand 9 汇聚了图形、数字、空间、综合创意等方面的品牌视觉(设计)佳作超过400件(包括多件世界10大最具权威性的品牌和设计竞赛获奖作品),对此我们全新定义为「混合图像设计」。数字时代人们的生活被电脑、手机和汽车内置荧屏等各种智能设备包围,每天被迫接受无数条推送资讯,品牌传播变得复杂多样,以前于品牌传播环节中具有重要作用的平面设计,在如今这样的数字化环境中已变得微不足道。技术改变了人类接受资讯的方式,VI、平面设计、品牌创意传播的本质和职能也随之变成了混合状态。基于这样的背景,混合图像设计粉墨登场,正悄然替代传统创意设计。例如品牌标识(LOGO)在 VI 时代只需考虑静态传播方式, 20世纪后期影视的发展促使平面设计在需求上要配合动态影视做些改变,但远远没有达到变革的地步。进入数字时代后的多方位需求,动态、静态、数字变形、人机互动、跨越平台、跨越介质等等诸多新的变量,迫使传统品牌传播和图形设计等进行革命性重构。

世界并非自然形成,人类不断进化的需求促进世界的持续发展。技术变革给品牌和创意设计不断注入新价值,每逢迈入新时代,则需构建新生态。从 2007年 始创以来,brand 已经在全球拥有广泛的声誉,于 60 多个国家和地区发行,受众人群超过百万人次,一直以来,brand 坚持不断的创新,每一届都带给读者全新的阅读体验,brand 9 发掘并整合全球具有前瞻性的混合图像设计案例,供阁下思考和创想,并能有所收获。

总编辑/创意总监:黄华清(Adam Wong)
230 X 305mm _ 超大16开
512页(32页特种纸专访 + 创意资库)
全彩色 _ 精装(封面采用真皮+热烙)
中 + 英文


延伸阅读 1这是 brand,这是 brand 8(品牌 第八卷)
延伸阅读 2熟悉的 Brand,全新的 Brand 7
延伸阅读 3Brand 6 编委会团队专访:变革,成就更多可能,编委会团队畅谈背后的故事!
延伸阅读 4变革,成就更多可能!Brand 发布全新命名及标志(Brand 进化史)
延伸阅读 5精典,所以经典:Brand 6(品牌 第六卷)
延伸阅读 6探秘大师创作过程:Brand! VOL.5(品牌!第五卷)
延伸阅读 7Brands must continuously innovate -- Brand! VOL.4(品牌!第四卷)

brand 9 has set out to envisage and explore the frontier of modern design in the 21st century, a digital era.

brand 9 has brought together excellent brand identity works in the areas of image, digitalization, space, comprehensive creativity, etc., or – as we define anew – of “mixed image design”. In the digital era, our life is flooded by smart devices like computers, mobile phones and in-car monitors, and we are fed with messages on our devices every single day. This has made brand communication more variegated and complicated. Graphic design, which was once significant to brand communication, has become trivial in today’s digital world. Technology has changed the way people access information, as a result adding more dimensions to the essence and function of VI, graphic design and brand communication. Against this backdrop, mixed image design has come on the scene, replacing the traditional creative design unnoticed. For instance, back in the VI time, logos were designed only for static communication; entering the late 20th century, graphic design had to change to meet the needs of films and television characterized by moving images, but the shift was far from transformational; the subsequent digital age ushered in multiple needs and new variants such as dynamic, static, human-computer interaction, cross-platform, and cross-medium, which made revolutionary reconstruction of traditional brand communication and image design imperative.

The world is not formed by itself, but advanced by human’s ever-evolving needs. Technological revolution has been bringing new values to branding and creative design, and at the threshold of every era, new ecology is called for. By uncovering and integrating forward-looking brand identity works globally, brand 9 is aimed at fueling your creative thinking.

ISBN 978-988-77744-1-9
Issued on July 28, 2018
230 X 305mm
512 pages (32-page report on brand design printed on specialty paper + Creative Archive)
Color hardback (with leathered and gilt cover)
Chinese and English versions



延伸阅读 1这是 brand,这是 brand 8(品牌 第八卷)
延伸阅读 2熟悉的 Brand,全新的 Brand 7
延伸阅读 3Brand 6 编委会团队专访:变革,成就更多可能,编委会团队畅谈背后的故事!
延伸阅读 4变革,成就更多可能!Brand 发布全新命名及标志(Brand 进化史)
延伸阅读 5精典,所以经典:Brand 6(品牌 第六卷)
延伸阅读 6探秘大师创作过程:Brand! VOL.5(品牌!第五卷)
延伸阅读 7Brands must continuously innovate -- Brand! VOL.4(品牌!第四卷)
