这是 brand,这是 brand 8(品牌 第八卷)
发表于 2017-3-9

brand 8(品牌 第八卷)
Drive change,
Built for creativity on an epic scale.

brand 8 是始创于 2007 年的「Brand」年鉴的第8回!从 2007年 到 2017年,十年!Brand 已经在全球拥有广泛的声誉,于 60 多个国家和地区发行,受众人群超过百万人次。

一直以来,「brand」坚持不断创新,每一期都带给读者全新的阅读体验和更广阔的视野,brand 8 以「设计的未来,未来的设计」为主题,对「设计的未来」进行广泛的探讨和深入的思考,而「未来的设计」应该如何?brand 8 正是以这种全新的视角,在全球甄选了数百件最佳品牌设计作品。brand 8 期望这些作品能成为引领未来方向的话题,启发大家对品牌设计的深刻思考。

「BESTidea: DESIGN」是 brand 8 新增的栏目,旨在甄选具有前瞻性、引领性的作品,启发广大专业人士对本领域的现状和未来进行探索。 5位资深专家组成的甄选委员会,从44件作品中选择了3件非凡创新的作品。无论从视觉、声觉还是触觉,入选作品都把人与设计作品的互动体验提升到了前所未有的高度,这是具有未来设计方向和意义的突破性作品,也是 brand 8 中非常值得关注的重要内容。此外,「年度最佳创意、设计网站」、「年度最佳经典创意、设计书籍」等栏目,亦是目前为止涉及行业最广、最权威的创意人资源库。

「Brand」从第4回开始,每期都精选全球最令人瞩目的机构,通过访谈来分享他们的经验。多年来我们采访并刊登了包括 Interbrand、Lippincott、Ogilvy & Mather、W+K、Base、DRAFT、Moving Brands、Duffy & Partners、KMS TEAM、PARTY、lg2boutique 在内的全球顶级专业公司及团队的案例。而在 brand 8,你既可以欣赏到奔驰、奥迪、爱马仕、香奈儿、迪奥、LV、耐克、阿迪达斯、松下、苹果、德国电信、Youtube、设计博物馆、旧金山设计周、可口可乐等著名品牌的最新品牌视觉设计,也可以品评一些全新品牌的杰出视觉形象设计案例,这些作品有些是已经在 D&AD、ADC、One Show 等著名比赛中获得2016/17年度大奖的,更多是首次公开发表的!网罗过去一年来全球顶级的品牌创意作品、收录超过2400幅精美图片的 brand 8,一定会给阁下带来丰富的收获。

主编/创意总监:黄华清(Adam Wong)
ISBN 9789887774402
230 X 305mm 超大16开
28页特种纸调查报告 + 创意资库 + BESTidea: DESIGN
全彩色 精装(封面采用真皮+烫金)
中 + 英文

京东、当当、亚马逊、天猫 搜索 “brand 8 品牌”,中国以外请在 Amazon 搜索 “brand 8” 即可购买,全国各大书店均有销售。



延伸阅读 1熟悉的 Brand,全新的 Brand 7
延伸阅读 2Brand 6 编委会团队专访:变革,成就更多可能,编委会团队畅谈背后的故事!
延伸阅读 3变革,成就更多可能!Brand 发布全新命名及标志(Brand 进化史)
延伸阅读 4精典,所以经典:Brand 6(品牌 第六卷)
延伸阅读 5探秘大师创作过程:Brand! VOL.5(品牌!第五卷)
延伸阅读 6Brands must continuously innovate -- Brand! VOL.4(品牌!第四卷)

brand 8 is the eighth volume of Brand, which made its debut in 2007. It has been brand’s consistent goal to constantly innovate to bring its readers new reading experiences and offer them a broad view, and brand 8 is no exception. With the topic “the future of design, and the design of the future”, brand 8 probes into the future of design in an intensive and extensive manner, and raises the question “what will the design of the future be?” In light of this brand-new perspective, brand 8 presents hundreds of excellent branding products after rigorous screening. It is hoped that these works can serve as an indicator of the trend of design and an inspiration for in-depth thoughts about branding.

As a new column in brand 8, “BESTidea: DESIGN” singles out forward-looking and future-leading works to motivate professionals to explore the design industry at present and in the future. Our committee made up of five senior experts selected three works that demonstrate extraordinary creativity out of 44. The finalists have brought the interaction between people and the works to an unprecedented height whether in terms of sight, hearing or touch. These groundbreaking designs represent the future of design and make the highlights of brand 8. Other columns showcasing the year’s best creativity, ideas, design websites and books compose the most varied and authoritative pool of creatives so far.

Starting from the fourth volume, Brand has set out to interview the most prominent creative agencies globally and make their great experiences known. In the past few years, we have published cases of the world’s top professional companies and teams, including Interbrand, Lippincott, Ogilvy & Mather, W+K, Base, DRAFT, Moving Brands, Duffy & Partners, KMS TEAM, PARTY, and lg2boutique. In brand 8, you can get in touch with the best visual designs of famous brands, such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Hermes, Chanel, Dior, LV, Nike, Adidas, Panasonic, Apple, Deutsche Telekom AG, Youtube, Design Museum, San Francisco Design Week, and Coca-Cola; you can also review some emerging brands’ outstanding visual images, some of which won awards of the year 2016/17 in celebrated competitions like D&AD, ADC, and One Show, while some are unveiled for the first time. Featuring the world’s best branding works in the past year and more than 2,400 glamorous images, brand 8 will be sure to offer a rewarding reading experience.

Editor-in-chief / Creative Director: Adam Wong
ISBN 9789887774402
Issued on March 9, 2017
230 X 305mm
480 pages (28-page report on brand design printed on specialty paper + Creative Archive + BESTidea: DESIGN)
Color hardback (with leathered and gilt cover)
Chinese and English versions

京东、当当、亚马逊、天猫 搜索 “brand 8 品牌”,中国以外请在 Amazon 搜索 “brand 8” 即可购买,全国各大书店均有销售。



延伸阅读 1熟悉的 Brand,全新的 Brand 7
延伸阅读 2Brand 6 编委会团队专访:变革,成就更多可能,编委会团队畅谈背后的故事!
延伸阅读 3变革,成就更多可能!Brand 发布全新命名及标志(Brand 进化史)
延伸阅读 4精典,所以经典:Brand 6(品牌 第六卷)
延伸阅读 5探秘大师创作过程:Brand! VOL.5(品牌!第五卷)
延伸阅读 6Brands must continuously innovate -- Brand! VOL.4(品牌!第四卷)
