Megan Frauenhoffer/Megan Frau
发表于 2010-11-24

Megan Frauenhoffer是一位2010年5月才毕业的插画师,她使用版画、水墨、铅笔、粉画等混合材料创作的作品,给插画界带来耳目一新的视界!在过去几年中(还是学生时代),她就通过纸和笔探索超现实主义的肖像图形创作。

Megan Frauenhoffer目前居住在密苏里州东部城市圣路易,她2010年5月从明尼阿波利斯艺术设计学院综合艺术专业毕业,获得硕士学位。随后她从事自由插画及绘画创作。她的作品目前在美国及欧洲引起广泛关注,从2007年以来她受邀参与世界各地的大型展览超过数十个(见后附表)。

以下图片由Megan Frauenhoffer提供,并授权ad110刊登,转载须注明出处并署名“图片由Megan Frauenhoffer提供”

Megan Frauenhoffer受邀在以下展览中展出作品:
Gallery 148 MFA Show, MCAD Gallery 148, Minneapolis, MN
Foot in the Door 4, Minneapolis Institute of Art Museum, Minneapolis, MN
Gender Show, Altered Esthetics Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
Glass, Cinder & Thorns, 323East Gallery, Royal Oak, MI
MFA Thesis Show, The Soap Factory, Minneapolis, MN
Spyhouse Solo Show, Spyhouse Coffee Shop, Minneapolis, MN
SHY Rabbit Print National 2, Shy Rabbit Contemporary Arts, Pagosa Springs, CO
States of the State: Survey of American Printmaking Exhibition, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
About Face, Stevens Square Center for the Arts, Minneapolis, MN

Isle of Misfits, Canteen Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
30th Annual Paper in Particular, Columbia College Missouri, Columbia, MO
Creative Blood, Altered Aesthetics Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
Drive By Press Traveling Exhibition, Drive By Press, North America
Los Angeles Printmaking Society 20th National Exhibition, Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
MCAD 09 Get StARTed, Burnet Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
Print Zero 6 Traveling Exhibition, North America
Feminality Art Exhibition, The Hive Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Multiversal Group Show, American Legion Building, Miami Beach, FL

Print Zero 5 Traveling Exhibition, North America and Naestved, Denmark
Bitter Fruits Show, Altered Esthetics Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

Prints U.S.A, 2007, Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO
Bachelor of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition, Butler & Rosenbury Bldg., Springfield, MO
